SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Thenbsp;OSU Provided, SET Produced Radiation Detectornbsp;(OPSRAD)nbsp;will demonstrate annbsp;innovative, low-cost, lownbsp;size/weight/power, mass producible, multi-application, active radiation sensornbsp;useful for monitoring the real-time radiation environment from the atmosphere, through low Earth orbit, and into deep space. The standardized datatype will be ideal for operational systems and will be the next generation workhorse for providing total ionizing dose (TID) and energy deposition spectra. The latter is the LET of ionizing charged particles, including energetic protons, muons, electrons and positrons, as well as gamma-ray photons. The system will be sensitive to neutrons by creating neutron-induced energetic secondary protons produced in a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) layer by neutronndash;proton reactions. OPSRADnbsp;Phase Inbsp;will provide a prototype:nbsp;i) detector to demonstrate our approach of measuring energy deposition and TID;nbsp;ii) system to demonstrate modularity in microprocessor, data storage, andnbsp;communications features; and iii)nbsp;design strategy to integrate these capabilities into a single module for operational use.nbsp;The objectives of this proposal are aligned with NASA technologies, including the Moon to Mars initiative. This proposal supports NASArsquo;s Moon to Mars mission by identifying and filling critical gaps in improving scientific discoveries related to the poorly sampled radiation environment in time, space, and energy ranges. It provides a pathway fornbsp;an order of magnitude reduction in cost; iii) halving the size, weight and power compared to existing state-of-the-art; iv) doubling the speed for operational implementation; and v) retaining a comparable ability for continuous temporal and spatial monitoring. Thisnbsp;instrument can help send humans safely to the Moon and OPSRAD would be a perfect instrument for use in the Gateway Habitation and Logistics Outpostnbsp;(HALO) as well as in a lunar surface outpost or at remote site locations.