SBIR/STTR Award attributes
TECHNICAL ABSTRACT: The Space weather-based Position error maps for TEC - On-line (SpoT-On) project will use GPS-GNSS based TEC data, integrated into the Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM) operational system at the Utah State University Space Weather Center to produce an order of magnitude improved TEC position correction maps. These will be publicly and globally accessible. A significant result is that agencies, industry, and consumers will enjoy much higher accuracy position information than is currently available from single frequency GPS/GNSS receivers. In Phases 11-111, we will implement and demonstrate a prototype operational capability, construct a deployment and improvement plan, and deploy this system commercially on a test basis for first users. Implementation and demonstration tasks include using the existing GAIM Gauss-Markov (GM) model to produce global TEC correction maps and correction coefficients that can replace Klobuchar correction coefficients. These will be continuously updated and available from a server site at the end of Phase II. In Phase Ill will then extend the system to use the GAIM Full Physics (FP) model in an operational capability demonstration for even more accurate, reliable correction coefficients for TEC, including at high latitudes. The deployment of the system will consist of using an industrial version of the system to serve updated coefficients to the GPS system as a whole through telecommunications and agency providers.SUMMARY OF ANTICIPATED RESULTS: Improved GPS TEC correction maps are needed by consumer, agency, and industry positioning applications to enable lower-cost single frequency GPS devices to improve their accuracy. Agency (NOAA NWS) and DoD users would be able to support their customers with the system deployed on their operational servers.