SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Sonalysts, Inc. will leverage the achievements of the Phase I effort to further research, design, and develop the Adaptable Environment for Space Operations (AESOP). In addition to furthering the initial AESOP design for Telemetry, Tracking, and Control (TT&C) for Satellite Command and Control (SATC2) operations, we will look to increase the breadth of operations supported by AESOP to potentially include tasking/reporting with multiple organizations, Space Situation Awareness (SSA), and counterspace operations. We will conduct a series of design thinking events to further engage end users to iteratively develop system requirements and designs for an intuitive, adaptable, and extensible User-Defined Operational Picture (UDOP). We will conduct human-in-the-loop user testing to demonstrate the performance effectiveness afforded by AESOP during nominal and off-nominal operations. Performance will be evaluated by objective measures of performance and subjective measures (e.g., workload, usability, etc.). We will also conduct a Manpower, Personnel, and Training (MPT) analysis to demonstrate the cost effectiveness that a standard user interface and data architecture will provide the Air Force over current practices. The project will culminate with the development and demonstration of a software prototype that is compliant with the Enterprise Ground Services (EGS) architecture.