A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Signature Research Inc in March, 2020 for $623,275.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Army.
Deficiencies with current models include 1) inadequately modeled internal sources, e.g., engines, and 2) the lack of full thermal interactions with the terrain and other background elements. It is also difficult to incorporate vehicle dynamics such as motion and articulation using current tools. These limitations impact the simulation community’s ability to assess performance against critical Army requirements. Inadequate target signatures can result in over-estimates in weapon system performance and adversely affect sensor and algorithm design decisions. The proposed Phase II Sequential effort for the “Dynamic Vehicle Modeling Composed of Mechanical and Thermal Interaction with High-Resolution Synthetic Scenes” will build upon the work performed within the Phase II effort to provide a government-owned, dynamic target solver, interacting thermally and mechanically with a background model, as well as a graphical user interface to use these tools. The end product will be a new capability for the Army to develop significantly improved signature representations of dynamic vehicles for use in development of sensor/seeker requirements and simulation-based performance assessment of weapon systems. It will also allow users to test and compare the results of the government thermal model developed under this effort with current legacy models.