A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Scientific Systems Company Inc. in March, 2023 for $2,899,969.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Special Operations Command.
To engage a high value target in GPS/contested conditions over any significant distance, small Common Launch Tube (CLT) munitions must be able to navigate in the absence of GPS. This requires an alternate navigation solution that is able to constrain the drift of the micro/electro/mechanical system (MEMS) quality inertial measurement units (IMUs) in order to accurately navigate to the target area to support the terminal approach and guidance. To provide this capability, during the SOCOM Topic 21.3/003, Stand Off Precision Guided Munitions (SOPGM) in a Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Contested Environment, SBIR Phase I, Scientific Systems Company, Inc. (SSCI) integrated our non/GPS precision navigation commercial software product, SSCI’s ImageNavTM system, with the capabilities of the ElbitAmerica’s Multi/Mode Seeker Concept, and investigated additional sensor and algorithms improvements to provide an enhanced navigation capability in GPS/contested environments. SSCI’s Phase I effort culminated in a proposed Multi/Mode Seeker design concept that integrated ImageNav technology. This Phase II effort will advance the Phase I concept design to a prototype upgraded SOPGM weapon for Captive Carry flight demonstration, via additional development and with the assistance of highly competent subcontractors (ElbitAmerica, Applied Systems Engineering, Inc., Dynetics, and others).