A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS & RESEARCH ASSOCIATES in September, 2018 for $562,500.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
SARA is pleased to offer to the Air Force its system for wideband wearable battlefield RF detection, to monitor and report on human exposure to harmful electromagnetic energy. The proposed device consists of an array of “antenna cards†worn on or within the soldier’s uniform. The cards are essentially an array of flat printed-circuit-board antennas, each supported by a backplane of low-power digitizing electronics capable of continuous exposure monitoring (power and energy density), frequency detection, local notification of imminent threats, and team notification. Low form-factor antennas developed in Phase I and leveraged with SARA-proprietary technology, demonstrated effective electric and magnetic exposure measurements covering frequencies from VLF to millimeter-wave. Combined with a block-level data-management plan that balances power consumption and performance, our Phase I efforts offered compelling proof that AFRL’s rigorous performance specifications were within reach in a wearable, low-SWAP form. A completed technology demonstrator will be developed in Phase II by adding a low-risk digitizing electronics backplane that is conformal to the antenna array, and by developing an interface framework that communicates with fielded tactical system (such as Nett Warrior, through the soldier’s cell phone) to facilitate data aggregation, and to improve understanding of threat intent.