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Resolver is a company specializing in enterprise software, risk management, incident management, artificial intelligence (AI), compliance, insurance, cybersecurity, governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC), and information technology[(15754570)(15754571)(15754572)(16855564)(20487441)(35775569)(46042752)(49709621)(49709622)]. The company operates in various industries, including technology and software[(89211454)(89884146)]. Resolver has its headquarters in London, Toronto, Ontario, and California[(16855565)(46042753)(53131772)].
The company, legally known as Resolver Inc., was founded in 2016[(84779011)(53131774)]. It operates with a NAICS code of 511210[(84778998)], a DUNS number of 202606653, and a CAGE code of L09S9[(84912290)(84912292)]. Resolver has patents assigned count of 1[(73895833)].
Resolver is situated at 111 Peter St., Suite 804, Toronto, ON, Canada, and has other locations in Toronto, Prince Edward Island[(84778949)(53131775)(53131776)]. The company is currently active[(14483190)].
As of June 27, 2017, Resolver has raised a total funding of USD 20,000,000[(53131771)(53131773)]. Hangar 51 is an investor in the company[(86090998)]. The company operates in the Software as a Service (SaaS) sector[(73992296)] and has competitors such as Cyphort and Druva[(74468965)(78111512)].