SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The goal of this program is to develop the mixed elpasolite scintillators in order to achieve an energy resolution of (≤ 2.5% (approaching 2%) at 662 keV for crystal sizes of up to 2 inch by 2 inch. In this project we will investigate compositional changes in selected mixed-elpasolite(s) in order to achieve very high energy resolution. By incorporating 6Li, neutron detection will also be targeted. We will develop and optimize the crystal growth so that a well-documented and commercially viable process is instituted. This research is a collaboration between RMD and UTK and will rely on the knowledge and experience of both institutions in developing various elpasolites. The project will end with the construction and detailed evaluation of detector assemblies incorporating aforementioned crystals coupled to SiPMs and PMTs. Both gamma-ray spectroscopic and thermal neutron detection capabilities will be evaluated in detail. Prototype detectors will be provided to DTRA for evaluation.