SBIR/STTR Award attributes
RadiaSoft, LLC is developing AF-Sirepo, a Modeling and Simulations Hub for the AF that makes high-quality scientific simulation codes accessible via browser-based GUIs and allowing for building workflows for Command Line (CL) codes with a user-friendly and secure workspace. During Phase I, we have found that many Air Force units, such as the Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation, Air Force Research Laboratory, the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center and the Air Force Test Center have a significant number of legacy M&S codes that are important for projects, but which do not have widespread use due to their being either difficult to install or difficult to use. Migrating to a digital environment in which engineers can manage, share and optimize M&S workflows is both a need and a great opportunity to boost engineering team capabilities. In this Phase II project, we aim at proving the feasibility of AF M&S Migration Foundry, leveraging RadiaSoft’s Sirepo technology. This project will bring secure cloud-based computing resources in the browser to analysts, warfighters, developers, and testers supporting a wide range of Air Force tasks, from determining requirements through conducting operations in which USAF can manage their legacy scientific/engineering simulation codes.