SBIR/STTR Award attributes
ElectronicVeil provides a single, cost-effective, high-assurance military-secure computing platform that combines data integrity, configurable security policies, and the novel concept of micro-attestation within devices on networks with no reduction of features or functionality, and no effect on infrastructure. ElectronicVeil software allows Warfighters and other users of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) or custom mobile devices to securely communicate by providing tailored session-by-session security posture and encryption while saving device processing power and battery life. Securing data in transit requires two opposed goals: ensuring information arrives at the intended destination without being intercepted or modified, and mitigating costs in time, bandwidth, and processing power to perform transactions. ElectronicVeil’s unique micro-attestation protocol and device-specific derived credentials help products perform with high efficiency and minimize use of critical resources, while maintaining appropriate levels of encryption, network robustness, and security. This combination benefits two major target device groups. For devices lacking an identity verification scheme where it’s impossible or impractical to perform full attestation, ElectronicVeil can provide adequate identity and integrity verification at reduced power costs. For devices capable of utilizing full attestation, ElectronicVeil can leverage this identity and integrity verification to alleviate encryption-incurred overhead. ElectronicVeil prototypes demonstrate 10x reduction in processing requirements and encryption overhead