SBIR/STTR Award attributes
As the major cause of acquired epilepsy in developing countriesNeurocysticercosisNCCis the infection of the human nervous system by the larvae of the pork tapewormTaenia soliumReportable cases are seen in non endemic countries because of increasing travel and immigrationMany infected persons are unaware of their infection or the potential risks of transmission to othersIt is important to control and eliminate Tsolium to reduce the healthcare burdenFor the elimination program to be implemented in endemic regions around the worldlow cost and sensitive detection tools are essential for identification and monitor the infectionsStool antigencoproantigenCoAgdetection by immunoassays has been demonstrated to be effectiveHowevercurrently there are no reliable source of renewable antibodies specific for T Solium CoAgAs a resultthere are no commercially available CoAg immunoassays for Tso iumIn phase I of this studymonoclonal antibodies specific to Tsolium CoAg will be generatedIn Phase II of this studyELISA and rapid tests kits will be developedThe CoAg immunoassayswill greatly facilitate the global effort of control and elimination of Tsolium infection in human