SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The opportunity being addressed is harnessing the kinetic energy flowing through streams and rivers to power a pump using a highly novel mechanical approach that has not been attempted before. Pumping action is achieved via flexible fins through which traveling wave pass, compressing bellows or pistons in the core of the device when secured in directional fluid flow. Phase I involved numerical modeling of components and the system, custom fabrication, bench testing, tank testing, and the tow‐testing of a full scale 2m long prototype resulting in a proof‐of‐concept device. Phase II will advance the technology with design modifications to increase pressure and flow volume with an emphasis on physical builds and will culminate in a river test. In the US, the pump will be used by off‐grid communities and by farmers to supply water to livestock where grid power is not available. It requires no electricity or fuels to operate, helping to reduce emissions. It is a high‐concept, low‐tech device that will be easy to install and maintain. In developing regions of the world lacking access to clean drinking water, the pump may be used to pump water through a filter. Larger versions may be used to irrigate crops. Successful development of the pump will pave the way for an electricity generating version of the technology, which it is anticipated can be achieved with minor modifications.