SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Physical Sciences Inc. proposes to design, develop and demonstrate a novel insensitive munition compliant, high performance, green storable liquid propellant for advanced exo-atmospheric interceptors. This new propellant formulation can be treated as a monopropellant or as a bipropellant system with predicted specific impulse and density specific impulses exceeding AF-M315E, LMP-103S, and the density specific impulse of NTO/MMH performance. The liquid propellant enables the development of high performance pump and / or pressure fed propulsion systems while simultaneously reducing handling and logistical operations as compared to current state-of-art. In Phase I, the proposed investigation focuses on establishing critical thermochemical and thermophysical behavior to ensure safe operational environments in an engine configuration. This also includes evaluation of its combustion response at multiple pressures to ensure realistic system level design architecture of air-launched vehicles and its propulsion system within operational mission requirements.Approved for Public Release | 18-MDA-9710 (6 Jul 18)