SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) will develop an innovative universal crash protection system for use with the Army’s growing range of multi-rotor SUAS. PSI’s configuration will allow for rigid attachment to the central body of the SUAS and provides a collapsible structure capable of withstanding obstacle collisions at speeds up to 10 knots. It will be constructed from high strength-to-weight ratio materials to reduce the weight burden on the operator between missions. Additionally, PSI’s approach will use integrated sensors to collect impact force data in all six directions, utilize that data to determine where the point of contact occurred in relation to the SUAS, and provide visual feedback to the operator through lights located within the field of view of the integrated camera(s) on board the SUAS. PSI’s crash protection system will provide a ring of protection around the propellers of a SUAS which may be up to 15 inches from tip to tip. In a stowed configuration, the collapsible structure will be able to be packed into a volume of less than 70 cubic inches.