A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Physical Sciences in December, 2019 for $465,442.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Army.
Physical Sciences Inc. proposes to demonstrate and quantify a unique high performance, insensitive munition compliant, structural combustible cartridge case for ammunitions that would significantly augment the ballistic performance. This new formulation will increase the ballistic energy, impetus, and muzzle velocity, while simultaneously eliminating combustion residue and providing insensitivity munition compliancy. This unique, low cost combustible ordnance provides the structural integrity to ensure reliable gun operation. In Phase I, the combustible cartridge case’s ballistic and mechanical integrity were quantified demonstrating operational feasibility. In Phase II, prototype cases will be produced and tested in various environments to confirm enhanced performance and ensure operational safety. The results from this activity will serve to refine critical system level parameters of the targeted prototype ammunition for manufacturing in Phase III.