SBIR/STTR Award attributes
To address the Army’s need for a unified approach to virtually integrate avionics system, track errors, verify assertions of correctness, and identify points of failure, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Unified Analysis and Design Simulation Toolchain (UADST). UADST uses system specification in Architectural Analysis and Design Language (AADL) and a comprehensive set of behavioral specifications as inputs. These inputs are used in UADST to create and simulate a system-of-systems model. The performance data is collected during simulation and compared with expected behaviors to detect runtime deficiencies and integration problems. Key features of UADST are virtual integration achieved first by system-of-system modeling/simulation and then by replacing systems specifications with hardware and/or software-in-the-loop components as the system matures. UADST is expected to result in significant cost savings by detecting integration errors early in the design process and as the system implementation matures. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate the feasibility of UADST by developing a proof-of-concept prototype reaching TRL-5. Feasibility will be demonstrated by detecting integration errors that are undetectable when (sub)system components are analyzed in isolation. In Phase II, POC will refine the Phase I prototype to TRL-7 and again demonstrate its functionality on AADL models.