SBIR/STTR Award attributes
To address the Army’s need for a federated identity management software system that leverages techniques to match encrypted biometrics data and uses multiple techniques that encompass biometric template protection, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Cryptographic Multi-Biometric Software (CYMBIOS) system. It is based on novel integration of POC’s customized multi-biometric data model with proven mechanisms for biometric data protection. CYMBIOS offers a multi-biometric cryptosystem capable of preventing access to biometric data, thus providing required security and protection of biometric information, and preserving the privacy of biometric traits, which directly addresses Army requirements. In Phase I, POC will conduct an assessment of state-of-the-art technologies associated with the proposed biometric template protection approach and demonstrate the feasibility of CYMBIOS by developing a proof-of-concept technology readiness level (TRL)-4 software prototype and testing it on a real-life dataset. Software design specifications and capabilities descriptions to build a full-scale prototype solution in Phase II will also be prepared. In Phase II, POC plans to implement CYMBIOS biometric template protection capabilities in a full-scale TRL-5/-6 software prototype operating in a Windows (laptop and desktop) environment and demonstrate its performance using real-life biometric datasets.