SBIR/STTR Award attributes
ProtoInnovations, LLC and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology propose to continue the maturation and validation of combined slip estimation and traction control software algorithms, called the Mobility Optimizer, for improved robotic or manned rover wheeled locomotion on The Moon. The Mobility Optimizer provides a dramatic improvement to current slip estimation and traction control strategies implemented on planetary rovers. These new software algorithms could significantly improve access to new areas on the Moon and ensure that rovers have reduced risk of entrapment. The Mobility Optimizer slip estimation software utilizes features from proprioceptive sensors as an input to a machine learning algorithm that classifies slip as low, medium, or high. The Mobility Optimizer traction control software then uses this slip estimate to modify the velocity of the wheels to improve traction and correct for rover kinematic incompatibility. The Mobility Optimizer can be implemented using existing sensors on rovers and does not require significant computational processing power or memory. The combination of low-size/weight/power components and the high value of preventing potential mission ending phenomena, such as rover entrapment, make the Mobility Optimizer an attractive technology for continued maturation and validation in lunar-relevant environments.