SBIR/STTR Award attributes
This SBIR Phase II project develops and validates a novel, wireless, smart ankle-foot orthosis (Smart AFO) system aimed at improving the functional walking outcome measures in individuals affected by stroke who use custom AFOs. Technical objectives include: T1 – Upgrade and optimize the Smart AFO design in preparation for clinical trial and commercialization, T2 – Enhance the Smart AFO mobile application software to facilitate automated real-time gait data analysis and optimize usability, and T3 – Evaluate the Smart AFO system with clinical orthotists and post-stroke individuals to validate and optimize effectiveness of the system compared to current clinical practice. Project outcomes include: a commercial-ready, clinically tested Smart AFO system composed of an instrumented AFO sensor device which wirelessly communicates information to a mobile software application, and executes an algorithm based on the AFO parameters. The Smart AFO enables clinicians to make better informed decisions on AFO adjustments and maximizes walking safety and efficiency for post-stroke individuals.