SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Historically, directed energy (DE) laser weapon systems have been bulky systems, such as the Mobile Tactical High-Energy Laser which occupied space equivalent to several city buses. Many of these early laser weapon systems had bulky chemical laser sources. However, as laser technology advances with the introduction of solid state lasers and optical fiber lasers, the source component of the laser systems is becoming smaller and lighter while maintaining or even increasing available laser power. In order to leverage this improvement in the size, weight, and power (SWaP) of the source, equivalent advancements in the other components of these DE weapon systems must be made. We propose to leverage Optimax’s extensive optics manufacturing and coating experience to develop a manufacturing plan for the next generation of novel lightweight optics for high energy laser (HEL) systems. This path will include proof of concept demonstrations of likely material/surface finishing combinations as well as analysis of stresses, and mechanical and thermal stability. The work will culminate in a full, detailed manufacturing plan for development of production quantities of lightweight optics for HEL systems.