A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to ObjectSecurity in July, 2018 for $49,892.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
DoD needs smarter technical security policy implementation, esp. for access control. However, technical security policies are increasingly unmanageable (esp. access control) because there are too many rules & configurations, too many changes to manage manually, across too many security features, devices, applications, layers etc. ObjectSecurity OpenPMF is a security policy automation “umbrella� that lets security professionals author security policies in generic/intuitive/consistent terms. From these, it calculates the matching technical rules and configurations, by filling in imported technical details. It is not yet used by the military/government but has strong potential and is highly innovative. We therefore propose a military/government feasibility study of OpenPMF security policy automation (with special focus on Air Force needs). OpenPMF has been developed for 10+ years, is patented (since 2007), award-winning, and has been deployed in other industries. It is an ideal candidate for rapid transitioning into military/government use. The proposed effort will research the viability and benefits of OpenPMF Security Policy Automation for Air Force and the wider military/government. The effort will address the 7 questions stated in the solicitation and additional technical objectives outlined in the accompanying slide deck. The effort will include the development of a functional prototype for a mock-up military/government environment.