A STTR Phase I contract was awarded to OSEMI INC. in December, 2020 for $150,000.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
HgCdTe semiconductors possess exorbitant costs and manufacturing limitations when utilized in the 2.5 µm wavelength range. Small amounts of bismuth may be added to conventional III-V semiconductors to form the III-V-Bi material system. Incorporated bismuth atoms provides an additional free parameter in band edge design making it possible to shift the valence band independently of the conduction band. GaInAsSbBI on GaSb allows for 2 to 5 µm wavelength absorption and emission with improved hole confinement over that achieved with conventional III-Vs. HgCdTe relies on small and expensive CdTe substrates made in Japan while high quality GaSb substrates are readily available from US manufacturers. Bulk GaInAsSbBi and strain balanced type-II GaAsSbBi/InAsSbBi heterostructures grown on GaSb will be developed for 2 to 5 µm detector and emitter devices. We propose Innovations in Manufacturing and request consideration and prioritization under EO 13329