SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Millimeter-wave frequencies of operation are increasingly attractive for a variety of military applications because of possible performance, size and cost advantages on space and power-constrained platforms. Nuvotronics proposes a solution for secure, high-bandwidth data links operating at V-band frequencies with the ability to dynamically adjust multiple characteristics of the communications channel. By making adjustments to the antenna radiation patterns, the operating frequency, the transmit power and the modulation scheme, the link can be maintained while remaining covert. Nuvotronics will leverage previous and ongoing work in the millimeter-wave frequency regime including wideband antenna element design and tightly integrated packaging of high-performance MMICs and millimeter-wave integrated circuits. The packaging challenges are formidable at these frequencies due to poor geometric tolerances compared to the wavelength and lossy substrate materials; whereas, the Nuvotronics solutions do not suffer from the same challenges. We will advance our solution concept through design and selective technology demonstrations.