SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Nitricity has developed a technology that produces fertilizer using air water and electricity. Thistechnology replaces an expensive hazardous and inefficient supply chain and enables fertilizer tobe produced closer to the communities that need it.By avoiding the need to ship we focus onfertilizers that are best for fields and farmers rather than fertilizers best for factories and freight.This approach is designed to increase resiliency in American and global food systems - systemsfacing greater-than-ever market volatility. Ultimately this breakthrough technology has thepotential to decarbonize 1 Gt CO2eq per year (from CO2 and N2O) and save farmers money oneven the cheapest fertilizer in the world.In the Phase I of this USDA proposal we developed an efficient plasma reactor to producefertilizer. In effect this process captured 'lightning in a bottle' with a state-of-the-art plasmareactor. In the current USDA Phase II we will scale up our plasma reactors and integrate advancedheat recovery. Should we succeed this Phase II research will enable more fertilizer production anda higher system-level energy efficiency. Nitricity looks forward to the important work andopportunity that the USDA NIFA SBIR Phase II grant provides and believes it will propel thiscompany to commercial success.