SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The proposed Phase 2 NSL Black Box is a redundant radio link connected through the $2B Globalstar commercial Sat-phone constellation and a timely AF Dual-Purpose Technology. The miniaturized and autonomous Black Box (BB) solution with its 24/7 global coverage (latency of seconds) can greatly increase performance and response, reduce risk, and help with orbital debris tracking. The Black Box technology has recently been proven on 18 satellites in LEO orbit with 100% success (attached NSL paper). The Phase II AF customer has been identified (MOU enclosed). In addition, a letter of endorsement from the 18th Squadron (enclosed) for aiding rapid ID and cataloging orbits. Letters of support and a PO where also received from AF/DOD contractor, MOU from two other DOD contractors (all enclosed). Other Phase 1 interest with AF, DOD, and Commercial are underway. The Phase II Program objectives are 1) Finalize AF primary customer ruggedized requirements and other DOD customer requirements with ICD, 2) Deliver Engineering Model BB units for evaluation and a flight BB equivalent unit with training, 3) Help solve larger government needs for small satellite tracking devices, critical knowledge into end-of-life failures, and mitigation of Orbital Debris in the New Space Age.