A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to Nearspace Launch, Inc. in February, 2021 for $49,500.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
NSL proposes the commercial “EyeStar Rescue” as technology for two issues: Isolated AF/DOD personnel and for Global Space Transport and Delivery. Specifically, the EyeStar Rescue resolves the following issues: 1. Lost Global ID 2. No reliable low power GPS 3. Little redundant and reliable links 4. No real time data link with latency of seconds. NSL can monitor an asset 24/7 Anywhere in LEO orbits with data available Anytime without the need for new ground stations. NSL is proposing the EyeStar Rescue. Many satellites/assets could be saved by a isolated personal and assets could be saved by identifying problems within seconds before they reach a ground station (which could be several hours). The EyeStar is a disruptive technology, connecting a system directly to a Globalstar Constellation while in orbit or in terrestrial usage. Satellites usually need to wait until they connect to a groundstaion below, normally taking 6-12 hours. The EyeStar Rescue is a fully developed system and has been tested in orbit, air and ground. It provides 24/7 real-time health and status vitals (latency in seconds) and provides for rapid response to sensor data and orbit pass preparations. The EyeStar is a rapid downlink if a satellite or person is “lost” ensuring critical mission success and diagnostics for the duration of several years or orbit lifetime. Assets can be accurately tracked including polar regions with a GPS option to reduce collision probability by giving more orbit certainty and precision landing. The EyeStar Rescue has several commercial versions all presented at NASA Orbit Debris Conference (Abstract 6126). Systems include the Black Box Tag 5.5x2.5x0.9cm and Black Box Patch 10x8.3x0.85cm. NSL has flown 400+ systems and subsystems in space over the past five years, with 100% mission success. NSL manufactures and produces Black Boxes, ThinSats, CubeSats, and Globalstar enabled communication systems (EyeStar radios) for a variety of commercial, governmental, and educational applications. NSL has a heritage of 100+ EyeStar (Globalstar) radios. The EyeStar radio with appropriate FCC, NCIA, and ITU licenses is ideal for the next step to advance many Air Force assets from small to large with a redundant and omnipresent Black Box Radio link. The standalone EyeStar Rescue is small and low power system requiring little resources and create significant impact as it is adapted from the commercial EyeStar S3 and Black Box systems.