Cryptocurrency attributes
Other attributes
Our main token within the ecosystem, $METACITY, will be utilized for governance as well as be the token used to purchase exclusive and higher tier goods and services within Meta City allowing you to fully customize every bit of your kingdom.
Visitors and residents of Meta City will be able to create groups and integrate cities and buildings to earn high-interest APY’s of a different, equally liquid asset called Meta City Tender.
is a P2E (play to earn) game where you can create your virtual life in a world where everything is possible with Metaverse.You can earn $METACITY Token, win rewards, buy your dream vehicle, have a fantasy pet, build your house etc. In Meta City, visitors & residents will be able to buy, rent, design, build and sell their very own buildings and cities within an ever-expanding Multiverse. Our main token within the ecosystem, $METACITY, will be utilized for governance as well as be the token used to purchase exclusive and higher tier goods and services within Meta City allowing you to fully customize every bit of your kingdom. Visitors and residents of Meta City will be able to create groups and integrate cities and buildings to earn high-interest APY’s of a different, equally liquid asset called Meta City Tender.
- $METACITY is the native token in Meta City game ecosystem, can be purchased in-game and can be earned. Be it through dividends, staking, karma redemption, and multiple other activities that return rewards by earning through rentals or creating new non-existent services (such as Real Estate). This also simultaneously incentivizes the community to contribute to the growth of the Meta City universe, and help keep the atmosphere tolerable and fun! Creating a secondary token that is equally liquid also allows for a sustainable rewards program that gives Builders and contributors a token that avoids the fate of inflation.
Watch the city grow in real-time as more people move in and become landowners and residents of Meta City. Make friends with your neighbors. Offer to help them build their dream home, earn karma at the same time which you can then use to redeem $METACITY.
- Pre-launch ✔
- Pre-planning✓
- Smart Contract Coding✓
- Market Analysis✓
- Roadmap Creation✓
- Strategy Setting✓
- Setting the Launch Date✓
- Running Banner Ads on Reddit, Poocoin, 4Chan✓
- Launch ✔
- Website Launch✓
- Official Twitter Account Creation✓
- Contract Deployment✓
- 1000 Organic Telegram Members✓
- 1000 Holders✓
- Community Contests✓
- 1000 Twitter Followers✓
- Running Banner Ads✓
- Development
- 2500 Holders
- 2500 Telegram Members
- 1000 Twitter Followers
- CoinGecko Listing
- CoinMarketCap Listing
- Continuous Premium Twitter and YouTube Marketing
- Meta CityArmy Expanded
- Expansion
- 5000 Holders
- 5000 Telegram Members
- 2000 Twitter Followers
- CEX Listings
- Local News Coverage
- Meta CityGame Beta Launch
- Meta CityNFTs
- Top level Marketing