A STTR Phase II contract was awarded to MRL MATERIALS RESOURCES LLC in June, 2019 for $996,352.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and Missile Defense Agency.
Metallic additive manufacturing (AM) is an attractive technology for the production of lethality test articles due to the potential for significantly reduced lead time and manufacturing cost. However, in order to be effective in providing accurate lethality data, the properties of the AM material have to match closely the properties of conventionally manufactured alloys found in real threat targets over a variety of strain rates and loading conditions. In Phase I, MRL proved it's ability to match the behavior of two additive and conventionally processed materials on a coupon level. In Phase II, MRL proposes expanding this effort to include additional novel alloys and machines, including emerging additive manufacturing methods, for parts on a 1/4 and full size component scale. Approved for Public Release 19-MDA-10203 (4 Sep 19)