SBIR/STTR Award attributes
To meet the demands of the AF201-CS01 SBIR solicitation (“Open Call for Innovative Clear Defense-Related Dual-Purpose Technologies/Solutions with a Clear Air Force Stakeholder Need”), MaXentric is proposing VitalWave. VitalWave is a vital sign monitor that utilizes radar technology to read a patient’s vitals with no contact. VitalWave allows medical professionals to read the HR, RR, SpO2, and body temperature of multiple patients at a radius of 25 feet. The VitalWave has an accuracy of over 90% for all these measurements. The VitalWave technology achieves these readings by sending a signal toward the target and based on the reflection extrapolates the necessary vitals signs listed above. While developing the VitalWave technology our market analysis and customer feedback showed us that we needed to reduce our form factor. Our goal will be to reduce the form factor of the VitalWave to 12cm in diameter, 6cm in height, and less than 16 ounces in weight. We will be moving to a higher frequency range to reduce the antenna size and the overall size of the VitalWave. This shift to a higher frequency range will reduce our effective range to 10 feet and not allow us to monitor patients through debris but based on the market feedback we received this will not affect its appeal to the end-users. During our Phase I effort, we will investigate the feasibility of our technology for both commercial and military applications and obtain the necessary parameters to develop our prototype during Phase II.