A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to MaXentric Technologies in January, 2020 for $949,974.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
In response to the AF182-111 SBIR solicitation (“V-Band Solid-State Power Amplifiers for SATCOM Downlinksâ€), MaXentric proposes AEROSTAR (“Amplifier for E!icient, Reliable, V-Band Operation in Space, Temperature-Variant, And high Radiation environmentsâ€) to provide linear and high e!iciency V-band solid state power amplifier for satellite communications. AEROSTAR operates from 71-76 GHz with greater than 40W of output power and better than 30% PAE and greater than 20 dB gain. AEROSTAR’s unique and novel combining scheme rivals the low insertion loss of a well-designed radial combiner and o!ers a more compact form factor with low SWaP-C. AEROSTAR utilizes state of the art GaN power amplifiers for their high-power density and output power performance. Coupled with an e!iciency enhancement architecture, AEROSTAR o!ers high e!iciency performance for both CW and modulated signals such as 16QAM. In Phase I, the team analyzed and designed AEROSTAR. The design simulations included thermal and mechanical integration analysis of the SSPA and the novel combiner. Additionally, the team performed relevant architecture/system trade studies to ensure that the approach taken was correct. During Phase II, MaXentric will design, fabricate, implement, and test the complete AEROSTAR prototype to demonstrate full power (> 40W) operation at high e!iciency (>30% PAE) with both CW.