SBIR/STTR Award attributes
SiC IGBT devices remain restricted from achieving higher voltage operation due the lack of a supply chain (onshore or otherwise) for thick n-channel epitaxial wafers. Some researchers have reported success in improving SiC to accommodate higher voltage IGBTs. However, commercial exploitation of this knowledge has not occurred due to a much larger market for moderate voltage transistors. Detailed fabrication and simulation of IGBT devices on standard 150 mm SiC wafers remains undone. We will build upon our success in rapid and thick SiC epitaxial growth to explore parameter space not possible with conventional means to solve the defect problems of the SiC drift layer. We will apply our advances in oxidation to remove interfacial defects and raise SiC IGBT performance to commercially viable levels. Finally, our work will establish an ongoing supply chain for SiC epiwafers and prototyping of new devices, aiding not only IGBT market penetration, but other devices as well.