SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The goal of MAAT Energy is the production of low-carbon hydrogen at a cost of < $2.0 / kg H2. Currently, the primary method (> 95%) employed for hydrogen production commercially is steam-methane reforming (SMR). While, this process can produce hydrogen at a cost of < $2.0 / kg H2 it has a high carbon intensity. On the other hand, while electrolysis is an environmentally friendly alternative for hydrogen production, the cost of hydrogen generation using electrolysis is typically > $4.0 / kg H2.We propose the development of Atmospheric Microwave Plasma (AMP) for the pyrolysis of methane into hydrogen and carbon black as a value-added byproduct. The electricity required in the AMP process is ¼ that of the electricity required for electrolysis. In addition, the solid carbon produced by the AMP can be used a valuable byproduct.MAAT Energy has been developing microwave-based plasmas for chemical applications. We will leverage that expertise in order to apply our experience to gain operational advantages of the AMP process. In Phase I we developed novel reactors and means of conveying and separating the carbon solids, as well as catalytic means to adjust the plasma temperature. We have developed and are presently testing a configuration that eliminates the need of dielectrics in close proximity to the plasma to improve reliability of the system. We have analyzed the carbon black produced by the process, and determined that it could have high value, mostly due to the reduced plasma temperatures that our catalyst enables.If successful, the market is large, as the US consumed about 10 million tons of hydrogen per year, mostly for refinery and ammonia manufacturing applications. At $2/kg, the potential market is around 20 B$/year. In addition, other applications, such as transportation, can substantially increase the market size.