SBIR/STTR Award attributes
We have demonstrated a non-thermal atmospheric microwave plasma (AMP) reformer that efficiently maximizes the reuse of CO2. We intend to recycle CO2 for the generation of low-carbon intensity jet fuel. While other modes of transportation may be electrified, aviation depends on safe, high energy density jet fuels. In Phase I and II, we have exceeded the main goals of the program: greater than 90% methane conversion (achieved ~99%) and greater than 60% electrical efficient (achieved 60%) using one reactor configuration. The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) was raised to 4 using a 2.45 GHz source at 6 kW. The Phase I and Phase II experimental results have been used to benchmark the models. In Phase II, AMP technology redesigned and scaled up to 6 kW, and tested for reliability. A pilot-scale unit, operating at 40 kW, is presently being built. We should be able to perform preliminary tests in this unit before the end of Phase II. In Phase IIa, in collaboration with MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), we intend to upgrade the pilot-scale system with the goal of reaching TRL 6 by the end of the program with the improved reactor design. We will scale to 75-100 kW at 915 MHz. This unit is pre-commercial scale; increased productivity will be achieved through multiplexing 100 kW units. In addition, the PSFC’s infrastructure allows us to test long term stability of the AMP unit. Although the results in the Phase II are attractive, we will further optimize the AMP operation, by using means to drive nonthermal plasmas, by using plasma seeding to control the plasma temperature, and by providing elements to recuperate the heat from the hot CO rich exhaust, increasing electrical efficiency. There is significant demand for low carbon intensity jet fuel, and Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis is an approved pathway. The current supply of alternative jet fuel is approximately 5 million gallons per year and is forecast to rise to 120 million gallons by 2020. Phase II techno-economic analysis of the combined AMP and FT synthesis of alternative jet fuel projects a minimum selling price near the market price of conventional jet fuel with a 50-80 % reduction of carbon dioxide emissions (depending on feedstocks). If the project is successful, the environmental and economic impact is billions of gallons of displaced conventional jet fuel: for every billion gallons displaced, a potential ten million tonnes of CO2 emissions can be reduced.