SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Advanced embedded sensors in critical structures, systems, and components (SSCs) for online monitoring of nuclear power systems will enable informed decision-making capabilities through enhanced diagnostics. The Transformational Challenge Reactor (TCR) is a revolutionary platform to help demonstrate the ability to reduce deployment costs and timelines for nuclear energy systems using embedded sensors in SSCs. Fiber optic sensors embedded in metal SSCs provide a method to enable increases in data density enabling measurements of localized features such as boiling, overheating, or fouling. Luna, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Fabrisonic, and BWXT propose to develop a metal flow conditioner with embedded fiber optic sensors to increase data density to enable operational decision making and future design improvements for nuclear power related applications. The team will develop methods for integrating fiber optic sensors into a metal flow straightener/conditioner using Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing technology. Embedded fiber optic sensors will use Luna’s Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry (OFDR) technology to measure distributed temperature of the structure and the correlating flow conditions. The results from this development will be used to enable other critical SSCs to leverage embedded fiber optic sensors for operational decision-making and rapid design iteration for next generation nuclear reactor plants. During the Phase I effort, (1) the team will demonstrate the feasibility of the approach by integrating distributed fiber optic sensors into a flow conditioner, (2) run proof of concept experiments at VCU to show thermal and flow-based measurements, and (3) design an appropriate larger component with additional sensing capability for Phase II. Luna is teaming with Dr. Lane Carasik from VCU who will assist with the modeling, testing, and data analysis of the flow conditioner at the MSETF. Luna and Fabrisonic will design the flow conditioner for testing and the appropriate metal to fiber transitions for ruggedization. Throughout this process, Luna and BWXT will collaborate to identify technology applications in current and future nuclear power systems. The technology developed on this project will be directly applicable to process piping, heat exchangers, and steam generators in nuclear power systems. Distributed fiber optic temperature sensors in advanced reactor SSCs will enable applications in other fields such as automotive, aerospace, and power generation industries. These embedded sensor structures will be integrated into Luna’s existing product line to increase use cases and application spaces for those products.