Web site created using create-react-app
Web site created using create-react-app
Life Infinity is the experimental but revolutionary project thatholdsthis kind of dream and mission. With four different phases: Genesis era, Construction era, Social era andMultiverseera,we aim at building a brand new and robust digital world through total different gameexperiences in these four eras.
In each era, players and community follow the gameplay to create key componentsofthe Metaverse, using blockchain technology. Components can be assembledintoabrandnew world providing for players to live and play. Each component is built inadecentralizedway using blockchain technology, which leads Metaverse belong to all the playersandcommunity
There are two types of miner in the games: normal miner and superminer.
Normal miner are suitable for most types of lands, while super miners are designed for all types of land including the hardest mining types of lands such as lava lands and ice lands. Every player whoever signs up will receive a free Constructor robot in LifeInfinityMetaverse . In order to speed up productivity of mining , acquiring automatic miners or cooperation with other players is necessary. Digital Mineral Token (DMT) is required to buy miners.
Web site created using create-react-app
Web site created using create-react-app