SBIR/STTR Award attributes
We propose the development of a novel laser-based gyro and accelerometer, pushing the sensitivity to the fundamental limit. The device is based on two correlated frequency combs of the same repetition rate, generated in a single laser cavity. Because of this correlation, while the bandwidth of a tooth of each comb is in the Megahertz range, the bandwidth of the interference is less than 1 Hertz. Dispersion control of the circulating laser pulses leads to a further increase in sensitivity of this intracavity phase interferometer.In addition to the boost in sensitivity, we will reduce the noise. The classical noise limit will be reached by classical means like a high repetition rate of the measurement and additional control loops. Applying the technique of squeezed light will then be used to approach the fundamental limit of sensitivity.The results of a Phase I study on a discrete-components OPO will be applied to two fiber-OPO prototypes in Phase II. These devices are expected to be competitive with the LIGO in terms of sensitivity.