Legends of Elysium is a free-to-play online card game where players compete with each other during league and eSports tournaments to win grand prizes.
Legends of ElysiumLegends of Elysium is a free-to-play online card game where players compete with each other during Leagueleague and eSports tournaments to win grand prizes.
Legends of ElysiumLegends of Elysium is an online game that combines the classic card game experience with the technology behind non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which allows the players to have true ownership over assets they possess. It is a play-to-earn (PTE) game, so players will be able to earn the game's native cryptocurrency, $LOE, once the supply begins beingis unlocked. Players will be abletable oto earn $LOE through being active in the game, such as daily tasks or competing in esportseSports tournaments. LOE is used aas currency in the game for purchases, such as non-fungible token (NFT) game cards, and also allows the token holder to partake in governance activities.
February 19, 2024