SBIR/STTR Award attributes
This Phase I project develops and evaluates the OptiMyo system, a system designed to locate the optimal myoelectric sites and control strategies for individuals with upper limb prostheses. Current two-site myoelectric control strategy selection and site-finding processes are often slow, challenging, and can lead to sub-optimal outcomes. Liberating Technologies, Inc. and its research partner Worcester Polytechnic Institute collaborate to: (1) conduct an expert panel to develop system requirements, (2) collect algorithm training data on persons with upper limb differences, (3) develop the algorithms, and (4) evaluate the ability of the control strategies and sites selected with the OptiMyo system to improve control and performance on electromyographic (EMG) signal-based outcome measures. Project outcomes include an early-stage prototype of a method, device, and process for optimizing myoelectric control strategy and site selection. The system is being designed to improve control of the prosthesis resulting in greater function of the device that in turn leads to greater device adoption, a reduction in contralateral overuse injuries, and an improved quality of life for individuals with upper limb difference.