A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to Land Sea Air Autonomy in September, 2018 for $99,197.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Army.
LSA Autonomy proposes the Affordable Security Autonomous Platform (ASAP). The autonomy software will be leveraged from LSA Autonomy’s Mobile Detection Assessment and Response System (MDARS) vehicle, a proven fully autonomous security platform with over 9000 miles logged in the field. Further, lessons learned from the MDARS military-grade sensor payload will be integrated into the low cost COTS sensor selection for ASAP. Additional cost reduction will be provided by leveraging an existing processing architecture that utilizes ruggedized COTS components. Finally, the ASAP drive-by-wire kit will be leveraged from LSA Autonomy’s all-electric drive by wire vehicle, the STRIKE-R.