Location attributes
Other attributes
Kirov oblast is located in the north-east of the East European Plain (Russian Plain). It extends 570 km from north to south and 440 km from west to east and borders with nine other subjects of the Russian Federation; it is a record.
The distance from Kirov to Moscow is 956 km by roads. Vyatka, the main river of the region, gave it another name - the Vyatka region.
The climate is temperate continental. Winters are usually long and cold, summers are short and warm. The proximity to the Arctic Ocean leads to the possibility of invasion of cold air. Hence severe frosts in winter and sudden cooling in summer are common. The average temperature in January is about minus 13,5-15 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 17-19 degrees Celsius. Kirov oblast is situated in the taiga zone with rich flora and fauna.