Cryptocurrency attributes
Other attributes
Multi-currency wallet
One of the wallets that support for the highest number of currency types in the world Support for BTC, ETH,BCH,
LTC, ETC, ACT, EOS, GXS and USDT 9 public chains
Tens of thousands of digital currencies, on the increase
Multi-account system
Decentralized account and escrow account, dual-core drive
Solve perfectly the problem of secure storage and flexible transaction of digital assets
Kwealth management, Kcash flexible save, Kcash lock-up program
Value investing, token standard. Solid growth in amount of currency
Open third-party ecosystem
Multifarious DApp platform
Enable third-party application to be settled
Instant tranfer
Lightning payment network
Unique technique of trading acceleration
Off-line signature
Private key is held by users
Private key is not connected to the internet during the trading process
Focus on privacy, more secure
Multi-factor Authentication
Multiple signature technical support
Two-step authorization verification
Verification code, fingerprint, liveness verification other verification methods
Technical improvement
7 security strategies
6 technical innovation
Ensure the security of digital assets from all perspectives