SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Space is a war-fighting domain that requires a focused attention on the development of new technologies to ensure that the U.S. maintains a superior presence in this domain. Such superiority is established by deterring aggression and conflict, and defending the U.S. and allied interests in the space domain. A key element in this process is to provide space domain warfighters with advanced tools that are scalable to the size of today’s resident space object (RSO) population and the complexities that come with defending space assets and deterring aggression in the modern era. With an extensive experience in spaceflight analysis and operations, Kayhan Space Corp (KSC) is developing a comprehensive, scalable, and easily accessible space situational awareness (SSA) and astrodynamics engine that is suitable for today’s challenges. KSC harnesses the commercially proven power of cloud computing to bring an advanced analysis and operations platform to the fingertips of the space domain warfighters. There exists a tremendous opportunity for the development of a fully scalable spaceflight analysis and operations infrastructure. With an accelerating increase in the size of the RSO population around Earth, tracking and maintaining custody of these objects is quickly becoming an intractable problem. This issue will be soon exacerbated as more capable and stronger tracking systems become operational. A fully scalable astrodynamics and SSA infrastructure will provide the capability to track and model the behavior of the full population of the RSO’s, fuse various sources of observational data, and perform focused analysis on the objects of high interest. This proposal aims to provide an innovative solution to the need laid out in the Focus Area 22.2 Ubiquitous Satellite Command, Control, and Operations. We take advantage of the disruptive Cloud-based SaaS business model to equip space domain warfighters with easily accessible and fully scalable capabilities, and to ensure the U.S. superiority in the space domain.