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Intelligent Cargo Systems (formerly CargoMate) is a London based technology company providing maritime port call optimization technology for container ship fleets. Early port departure provides a longer time interval to a destination where ships can travel slower reducing fuel consumption and increase savings. On average, 67% of container ships arrive a day late into port, billions of dollars of bunkers are wasted every year. The company predicts it can save over $1 billion in the maritime industry with container ship monitoring and port call optimizations.
CargoMate is a plug and play SaaS application platform for port call management which acts as a logbook and communication tool for the crew members. Machine learning allows CargoMate to predict the earliest time to leave the port. The application connects every man on the crew to add and retrieve real-time updates on cargo operations. The real-time updates are provided through CargoMate’s cloud infrastructure. Increase in communication between crew members, fleet management and port key stakeholders, and machine learning helps optimize operations and better predictions. The platform uses data from CargoMate devices from around the world to provide worldwide port and terminal performance data to help make strategic decisions.
Chris Jones and Dennis Sandmark founded the company on May 25, 2017, as CargoMate. The company is headquartered in London, England and is funded by Entrepreneur First. Chris has over 12 years of experience as a Deck officer on container ships. The company re-branded as Intelligent Cargo Systems on January 21, 2019.