SBIR/STTR Award attributes
InnoSense LLC (ISL) is further-engineering an all-ceramic, rollable separator (CeRollS™) component for use in lithium oxyhalide batteries (LOHBs). Our goal is to render this flexible ceramic separator robust for withstanding high pressure, shock and vibration. This separator will also overcome performance issues associated with deleterious reactions between existing polymer based separators and the sulfuryl chloride and thionyl chloride electrolytes. In the first Phase II, ISL rigorously-tested separator prototypes in collaboration with a prime contractor, and validated scaleup pathways. Reproducibility was identified as a challenge, particularly with respect to mechanical strength, which needs to be addressed through rigorous testing. In this Phase II Sequential, ISL plans to improve yields, cost, lifetime performance, and mechanical strength. For identifying failure mechanisms through replicate testing on multiple samples, ISL will establish an in-house capability to produce Lithium batteries. This capability will allow us to identify and solve problems early in the process, rather than after samples have been sent for independent testing. This Phase II Sequential will also be executed in collaboration with the prime contractor. Approved for Public Release | 22-MDA-11215 (27 Jul 22)