SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The product of this Phase I/Phase II SBIR project will be the Multiscale, Multiphysics Simulation of Cementitious Composite Systems (M2SCS) software system. At the end of the Phase II project, the completed M2SCS will be a modular, science-based simulation pipeline that will enable the study of cementitious composite systems at the micro and mesoscales, with connections to supply properties to macroscale modeling tools. The modular nature of the system will allow addition/replacement of models with a minimum amount of work. The ability to optimize microstructures to produce desired response properties given constituent definitions is a highlight of the proposed system. To support a variety of uses from low-quality concrete manufactured with in-situ or indigenous raw material components to ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) designed for high-end applications, a database of materials will be assembled to allow the analyst to choose constituent properties to suit the situation. The database will further support entry of new data as needed. Properties and models will be particularly focused on situations where curing concrete is subject to blast and penetration scenarios, or to long term deterioration phenomena.