A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to Innovative Design Labs in August, 2023 for $199,924.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Army.
Innovative Design Labs (IDL) is answering the Army Applications Laboratory (AAL) SPARTN Program’s call to develop an anatomically correct female manikin with Mixed Reality (MR) capabilities. Significance: The funding opportunity references make note of lower survivability rates for female casualties in comparison to males: 35.9% vs 17% (Operation Enduring Freedom) and 14.5% vs 12% (Operation Iraqi Freedom). It is reported that a significant number of female deaths are associated with wounds located in the abdominal and chest regions, unlike males who survived with wounds in these regions. These findings suggest that wounds in a female’s abdominal and chest regions are not being identified or treated properly. Solution: Much of the literature surrounding manikin modularity has been concerned with interchangeable limb configurations and accompanying extremity wounds. However, relatively little has addressed modularity and adjustability of wounds in the chest, abdomen, and groin areas where the anatomical and physiological differences between males and females contrast most and nuanced care considerations vary. To address these shortcomings, our team will leverage an innovative method of manikin construction with MR features. Approach: In this fast-paced 3-month Phase I SBIR grant, we propose to focus on two core innovative aims which will distinguish our solution to provide enhanced and improved female combat trauma mixed reality training. Our aims are: 1) Design and Produce an Anatomically Correct Prototype Female Manikin Torso and 2) Integrate MR Capabilities into the Prototype Female Manikin.