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HyperScience is an AI-based company for office work, that uses automation to improve organizational working. The company was founded in 2014 and its solutions are mainly based on automatic document sorting and continuous improvement through model training.
HyperScience offers solutions to data entry via automation, since it is a process that burdens both businesses and the end users. The company builds products that are drop-in replacements for existing manual business processes, and customers do not need to change anything about how they operate or have an understanding about artificial intelligence.
Hyperscience processes structured and semi-structured documents, automating a large part of of manual document sorting, data entry, and rekeying out of the box. The document setup interface enables new form templates, and various documents can be accessed within a single library.
The Supervision exception handling platform helps evolve from manually entering every field to overseeing a small subset of exceptions. In addition to providing guidance for specific fields, each completed task trains the models to improve on the documents over time. The product also offers a comprehensive overview and visualizations of system, workflow, and data keyer performance metrics at the document submission, form, page, and field levels.