Clinical Study attributes
HST003 is a human extracellular matrix designed for injection into the subchondral bone following microfracture surgery by an injection into the interstices created by the surgical awl and filling the full defect to help restore-regenerate hyaline cartilage to a pre-injury state. In this Phase 1/2 clinical trial, we will be addressing the knee joint in conjunction with microfracture surgery. HST003 is human extracellular matrix secreted by human dermal fibroblasts under hypoxic conditions. The various matrix proteins produce a combination structural scaffold in addition to the natural secreted glycoproteins such as lubricin, fibronectin, laminins, hyaluronic acid, and collagens - all critical components of cartilage, particularly hyaline cartilage. This Phase 1/2 study will help design additional studies to support FDA approval for the use of HST003 in focal cartilage defects in the knee resulting from recent traumatic injury.