A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Hedgefog Research Inc. in April, 2020 for $999,916.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
To address the DTRA's need for a field deployable mass spectrometer for nuclear forensic analysis (NFA), Hedgefog Research Inc. (HFR) is developing a new Field-Expedient Nuclear Isotope Characterization Spectrometer (FENICS), based on species-selective ionization and novel signal enhancement schemes. New system features in FENICS enable rapid, on-site characterization of nuclear debris samples in field environments without chemical processing. The FENICS system will provide time-sensitive nuclear forensics data for actinides and fission product elements with laboratory-level precision, from samples recovered immediately after a nuclear event. FENICS development directly addresses the needs of DTRA and nuclear forensics scientists in field-deployable mass spectrometric analyses. In Phase I, HFR demonstrated the feasibility of FENICS by building a prototype and showing its species selectivity, precision/accuracy, and novel signal enhancing capabilities. In Phase II, HFR will assemble a portable mass spectrometer integrated with all novel features of FENICS to reach TRL-5.