A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Hazel Technologies in September, 2022 for $600,000.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Abstract/Summaryrd th Potatoes are the 3 most consumed crop in the world and the 4 most produced crop in theUnited States with a sales volume of $3B. Owing to a limited harvest window a yearly supply ofpotatoes requires successful long-term storage. Growth of sprouts is a key driver of loss duringstorage and sprout growth worsens as storage periods lengthen. Losses from sprouting areespecially problematic in organic potatoes where common synthetic sprout inhibitors are notpermitted for use and current organic treatments are not present many challenges. This project willcommercialize an anti-sprouting packaging insert capable of inhibiting sprouting growth andextending potato shelf-life. The proprietary delivery system offers continuous release of sprout- suppressing actives from organic essential oils to curb sprouting from the farm to consumer table.Work under this project seeks continual product improvement cost reduction and a focus on third- party validation of efficacy.At the conclusion of Phase II Hazel Technologies Inc. will have a fully commercialproduct; an in-box sachet capable of extending the shelf-life of most potato cultivars. Under thisaward we will enhance product economics conduct extensive sensory analysis of treated produceand validate the technology at commercial scale.